Aug 30 2019
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Mole removal process Toronto

What is the Mole Removal Process?

We all have them. Some of us have a couple scattered throughout our bodies while others have plenty more. We’re talking about moles — clusters of pigmented skin cells that appear on the surface of the skin. While many are harmless and affectionately called “beauty marks”, others can be cancerous as a result of environmental causes (i.e. too much sun exposure) or genetics.

It’s unclear why moles appear in the first place but many theorize that it’s a combination of aging and genes. For those on a mission for clear skin, having unwanted moles can be a nuisance, which is why there are a number of different mole removal treatments in the market today. While there are at-home remedies that can help diminish the look of them to varying degrees, nothing will be more effective than going to your doctor or dermatologist to get it professionally removed. If this is something you’re currently considering, here’s everything you need to know about the removal process:

What Is Mole Removal?

Mole removal is the surgical or non-surgical removal of a mole through laser methods, scalpel or excision. There are a variety of different reasons why someone would get mole removal, the most crucial one being for melanoma. Others may get moles removed for precautionary measures and besides that, more and more patients are actually getting them removed for cosmetic ones.

Surgical Mole Removal

There are a few surgical methods that are used to remove these little specs, they include:

  • Scalpel Removal – this is typically done for moles that are bumpy and raised above the skin. To help make the process as painless as possible, a doctor or physician will apply a local anesthetic to the area and then shave down the mole using a scalpel until it’s completely gone. All you’re left with will be a pink little blemish where your mole used to be.
  • Punch Biopsy – If you have a mole that looks suspicious or cancerous, your doctor may likely request a punch biopsy. Using a cylinder-shaped device, it will penetrate the layers of your skin and remove that tissue. That sample will later be sent in for diagnostic testing to see whether or not the mole was cancerous. Depending on results, patients may require further treatment.
  • Excision Removal – If moles are flat or cancerous, the most effective surgical method of removal is through excision. This process will cut deep into the skin and remove the entire mole, which will later require a small amount of stitches to help close the wound to encourage proper healing.

Laser Mole Removal

This method is only viable if you’re looking to remove moles for cosmetic reasons only. The laser works by breaking down the pigment of the mole without damaging the surrounding skin. Laser is a great way to minimize and completely eliminate the look of them without cutting the skin, and a great alternative to those who aren’t a fan of scalpel methods. While treatments are effective, patients will have to get multiple sessions done in order to completely eliminate their mole(s) and get the clearskin results they’re looking for.

Risks Of Mole Removal

There are very few risks associated with this procedure. The biggest concern associated with this treatment is scarring, which will depend on the size and depth of the mole itself. During a consultation, your physician will be able to tell you just how much scarring you can expect after recovery. Thankfully, due to more advanced removal techniques, scarring is quite minimal.

Downtime And Recovery

No matter which method you use for mole removal, both processes are minimally invasive so the downtime and recovery will be relatively easy. Most surgical processes will take anywhere between 10-30 minutes to complete. Depending on the depth and size of the mole and weather or not you had to get the area stitched closed, full recovery will take about two weeks.

For those that get laser removal, they’ll notice slight redness and swelling on treatment sites which will subside after a few days. A scab will form on top of the mole and eventually fall off on it’s own which will reveal lighter coloured skin and get you one step closer to the flawless results you want!

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