May 22 2014
Posted by : Admin in Cosmetic Procedures
acne removal treatment toronto

The Best Way to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Acne scars can happen whether or not we picked at them. The inflammation that happens around a pimple can be enough to leave a lasting impression on your skin. For people with oily skin or skin that is prone to breaking out, there are ways to treating years-old scars.

Using Natural Ingredients to Help Your Skin

  • Sandalwood and rosewater combine to form a fine paste. Sandalwood is an actual wood that has been used in the past for its fragrance. You can find it in stores fully ground. Rose oil is extracted from rose petals in perfumes, and as a by-product, rosewater is formed. Rosewater can also be edible, so it’s a very safe ingredient. Spread the paste on your skin and leave for 1 hour. The sandalwood has a soothing effect that combats the scars on your face.
  • Olive oil, fenugreek, aloe vera, and cucumber are great for treating scars. For fenugreek, the leaves and seeds can be used. Grind fenugreek leaves in a mortar and pestle and apply directly on your face, or boil the fenugreek seeds in water and apply after it’s cooled. If you have an aloe vera plant, break off a leaf and squeeze for pure aloe vera. If you don’t there are many products that contain aloe vera. If you prefer a cream that you can leave on your face, consider a moisturizer that has aloe vera. Otherwise, aloe vera gel is close enough to the juice that comes from the plant’s leaves.
  • Tea tree oil, vitamin E capsules, and gooseberry creams are often used by people suffering from acne scars. To use the capsules topically, break open a capsule and massage into affected areas.

Exfoliating and Other Methods

  • For a pimple that’s currently inflamed, wrap an ice cube made from clean water in a clean cloth. Massage the pimple with the cloth. The lower temperature will help reduce inflammation.
  • Sugar, oatmeal, baking soda, cider, and lemon juice are great exfoliators that will remove the excess dead skin. The scarred, dead tissue will also be removed. To create an exfoliating scrub out of dry ingredients, combine with water and scrub gently over scars.

For more serious problems involving acne scarring, laser treatments provide a lasting solution. The scar removal takes 1 to 3 sessions to complete. For more articles, see here and here.

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