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Chemical Peel Toronto

Fairview Laser Clinic is the leading cosmetic dermatology clinic in Toronto. A wide range of procedures and treatments are available for personal enhancement. Dr. Padma Jain has over 25 years of experience in combining technology with a sense of aesthetics to make you look youthful and natural.

One of the most popular non-invasive cosmetic dermatology procedures is a chemical peel. Chemical Peels are a quick, simple, and safe procedure with great results and minimal downtime. These procedures have been around for over 160 years, and are favored by many to improve complexion and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Gaining exposure through many celebrities both past and present, recent improvements in chemical peel solutions and techniques have led to fewer side effects and improved visual results. Due to the increasing interest in rejuvenating skin and slowing the effects of the aging process, chemical peeling has become an exciting anti-aging procedure.

women getting chemical peel in toronto

What Is A Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a process of applying an abrasive solution to a problem area of the skin to remove the outermost layers and improve appearance. It peels off the top layers and allows new skin to regenerate. The revived skin is smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin, and may also be more even in color. It is a safe and non-invasive treatment option for acne, acne scars, aging, and sun-damaged skin. There are hundreds of different peeling solutions, ranging from the relatively mild to the seriously potent, which can be used to treat a range of undesired skin conditions. This process of “controlled injury” to the skin is typically used to fight the signs of aging, but can also be used to treat blemishes and improve scar appearances. Our skin care professionals can guide you in selecting the right peel for you.

How Does A Chemical Peel Work?

A Toronto chemical peel works by applying a solution to the skin which will cause the top layers of the epidermis to peel away, revealing the fresh and more youthful skin underneath. The peeling procedure may be performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, and legs. Superficial, medium or deep chemical peels can be used to improve damaged skin depending on the skin condition. The deeper the peel, the longer will be the recovery time. Peeling solutions can either be acidic, such as alpha hydroxy acid peels or retinoic acid peels, or they can be caustic, such as phenol-croton oil peels. The difference between these two peeling types is mostly semantic, as the end result is the same. The strength of the peeling solutions is highly regulated to ensure only just enough of the active ingredient is used to produce the desired effects.

chemical peel treatment toronto

What Areas Can Be Treated With Chemical Peels?

The most commonly used area for chemical peels in Toronto is undoubtedly the face, as it tends to show the most signs of aging. Deep brow lines, “crow’s feet”, uneven skin tone, nasolabial folds, and age spots can all be treated with chemical peels to great effect. Other areas of the skin that have undesired appearances can similarly be treated with chemical peels, however, lasers and other techniques are often favoured over peels for these areas due to patient comfort and results.

What Results Can I Expect With Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels can show incredible results for many different skin conditions. In particular, fine lines and wrinkles can be drastically improved, and deeper wrinkles can be significantly lessened over the course of several treatments. Darker pigmentation and age spots can also be faded with chemical peels over time, leading to increase confidence and patient satisfaction. Many patients often notice further result enhancements after several chemical peels, requiring less of the active ingredient to achieve the same results. Some acne types can also be treated effectively with chemical peels in Toronto, lessening the severity of outbreaks and minimising potential scarring.

How Long Do The Results From Chemical Peels Last?

How long results from a chemical peel last will depend on the type of peeling solution used and the issue that was treated. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids are the lightest of the peeling solutions, and results can last anywhere from one or two months, up to six months. More deeply penetrating peels, such as retinol peels, can last even longer, with results further improved by maintenance peels every couple of months. Effective sun protection and a holistic skin care regime can also extend the lifetime of results, leading to healthier and more youthful skin for longer.

Are There Any Risks To Chemical Peels?

When performed by an experienced and licensed medical professional, chemical peels in Toronto have exceptionally few risks associated with them. The peel is non-invasive, so will not require extended downtime or antibiotics during the healing process. Some redness, swelling, and peeling, is natural and to be expected following the procedure. The freshly exposed skin can be slightly tender for a few days following the Toronto chemical peel, after which you will be left with radiant, clear skin. As with any medical procedure, there is always some risk of an adverse reaction to the peeling solution. If you have had any issues in the past, consult with your medical specialist who will determine if a chemical peel is right for you and which peeling solution will give you the best results.

How to Prepare for a Chemical Peel?

Are you getting a chemical peel for the first time? There are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Check out how to prepare for your first peel. Before going ahead with the procedure, it is important to determine the right treatment for you. Our experts will help you find the right treatments that suit your skin type. While preparing for a chemical peel, you will have to take a break from a few products and treatments at least for a little while. This may include any skincare products or any medication that you use. Avoid using facial scrubs, exfoliants, facial masks, or skin-lightening agents. It’s also important to avoid unprotected sun exposure at least for a few weeks before the procedure. After a chemical peel treatment, wait at least a day before using makeup to the treated area. Counter pain-relieving medication can be used to reduce any discomfort you feel after the peel. It is very important to avoid direct sun exposure without an SPF of at least 30.


Read what clients have to say about Toronto’s best cosmetic dermatology clinic